Can AI (Artificial Intelligence) make you a good Public Speaker?

A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) is all the rage these days. The public discourse on the pros and cons of A.I. tools like ChatGPT has fanned our imagination of the possibilities that AI brings into our daily lives.

A.I. can help us write stories, design websites, create surreal images and much more. One of the hardest problem to solve for A.I. is how to provide human-like feedback for a speech that combines both audio and video. The team at Yoodli have taken on this challenge by creating a tool that uses A.I. to review a speech and offer concrete feedback.

Yoodli provides 3 different ways to elicit A.I. powered feedback.

  1. Directly Record: The Yoodli app allows you to record your speech and get instant feedback. This is equivalent to practicing in front of a mirror with the exception that the mirror talks back. You can choose how long to speak. The default is 1 minute but you can change that by clicking on the clock icon, and increase the time to 3 minutes or 5 minutes or even enter a custom time (current limit is 1 hour). Once you finish, you will get an analysis of your content, delivery, usage of filler words, etc.
The Yoodli interface to record a speech.

2. Upload Video/Audio: If you have a previously recorded audio or video file, you can upload them to Yoodli to get feedback. The Yoodli site has a number of famous personalities whose speech has been evaluated.

3. Team Yoodli for ZOOM: This may be a game changer in analyzing an entire meeting. Besides providing the usual feedback for each speaker, you can identify who dominated the meeting, a recap of what happened. This definitely one of my favorite features.

The Yoodli app is currently in the launch phase and free to use. If you are looking for ways to improve your public speaking (who isn’t?), this is your opportunity to try it for free.