Effectively conduct Hybrid Meetings

The covid-19 pandemic has given us new tools and terminologies in a world where physical contact needs to be avoided or minimized. If you wish to conduct meetings, social distancing rules may prohibit you to hold large physical meetings. People are actively seeking ‘hybrid’ meetings, where some members attend the meeting in-person while the rest join the meeting using online platforms like ZOOM, Microsoft Teams etc.

Holding an effective hybrid meeting can be a challenge as physical attendees and online attendees need to feel part of the meeting.

In this video, I explain the tools and technology that could be used to conduct a hybrid meeting.

I have also included a link to 2 separate hybrid meetings that were conducted using different tools.

Link to tutorial on how to conduct Hybrid meeting:

The link below is to a hybrid meeting using low-tech tools (mobile phones, laptops, 1 wireless microphone)

The link below is to a hybrid meeting using corporate conferencing tools.