Technology for Hybrid Meetings

Build the bridge between online and physical meetings with the right setup

[This article on hybrid meetings was commissioned by Toastmasters International]

Adaptation has become the new normal for countries all over the world. As Toastmasters, we adapted to online meetings in 2020. Now, a year later, another change – hybrid meetings. Health authorities across countries may gradually relax the restrictions on gatherings, but social distancing norms could be here to stay. Clubs should explore the format of hybrid meetings, which allows some members to meet in person, while the rest can join online and still feel part of the community.

With my background as a certified trainer and technology enthusiast, I have run hybrid demonstration meetings for my toastmasters clubs, and from my experience, I believe that clubs will experiment with the hybrid meeting format only if it passes two tests: ease of setup and cost. The influence of these two elements will vary depending upon the nature of the club and available resources.

To learn how to create a perfect hybrid meeting, check this YouTube tutorial:

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