Unable to edit a ZOOM video? Fix this setting!

I record most of my ZOOM sessions (especially my workshops). Imagine my surprise (and dismay) when I tried editing the video using Da Vinci Resolve (and some other video editors too). The video starts breaking up and cannot be edited.

Going through the ZOOM settings, I found that ZOOM uses a codec that seems to be incompatible with most video editors. To fix the video recorded by ZOOM, you need to sign in to your ZOOM account.

Go to Settings->Recording and scroll till you find the option “Optimize the recording for 3rd party video editor”. Now the recordings with this setting enabled can be easily edited.

Keep in mind that the setting should be made to the ZOOM account that creates the recording. For example, if you are recording to the cloud, then the ZOOM account which hosts the meeting must enable the setting. On the other hand, if you are recording locally, then the account that is recording locally must enable it.

This 1-minute video explains the process of changing the setting.