ZOOM Breakout Rooms. New features Released!

Up until now, any task related to Breakout rooms in a ZOOM online meeting had to be handled by the host. This could get hectic in large events where multiple breakout rooms need to be managed.

With the release of ZOOM version 5.4.6, all designated co-hosts can also manage breakout rooms. This allows a dedicated person to be assigned to manage breakout rooms.

The 2nd major update to breakout rooms is the ability for the host (or co-host) to move participants from a breakout room to the main session. This can be very helpful in a Toastmaster speech contest (Table Topics and Evaluation) where contestants are sequestered in an isolation room and called into the main session as per their speaking order. Once the stage is ready, all the host now has to do is move the contestant from the isolation room. There is no need to broadcast messages to the breakout rooms.

For additional details on these updates plus other updates to breakout rooms, check the video below.